These are from seeds from my second Meyer lemon on August 29, 2013, 10 days after being put in soil. They only sprouted for a few days. No seed of the first lemon made it – my bad – they had sprouted beautifully, but then had not good enough soil or possibly not enough water. This seems to be working much better – a 50/50 mix of bumper crop and native clay soil...and daily checks for moisture. More often than not, that is almost daily, they need more water.
As you can see, one of them as 1, the other 2 and the third has 3 leaves. This is 10 days after being put into the soil. Here is what they looked like then: (not the top picture on that page, the ones below 🙂
I keep them on a window sill …but it is shady, so I am using a grow light.